
Bridal Bouquet 新娘手捧花

According to legend, there is only a wedding ring will given by the groom to the bride, not a bridal bouquet. The custom of bridal bouquet is derived from a story...

传说最早新人结婚是男方给女方带一枚戒指,宣布女方的归属,那时是没有手捧花的。那么为什么后来又有呢?这要从一个故事说起... ...

There is a loving couple who is going to get marry. However the groom is poor and incapable to send the bride some precious gifts. While the groom feels worry, an old folk come along and suggest him to show his love to his beloved by using a hand bouquet. The groom feel it is a good idea and was happy to do so. Finally he send a bridal bouquet to his beloved and swear their love will never end.


Nevertheless, there are various designs of bridal bouquet nowadays. Bridal bouquet has become one of the major item for the bride to make them look outstanding and charming. Different shape of hand bouquet composed by various types of flowers, such as roses, hydrangeas, sunflowers and some additional deco may carry out various visual effects to the bridal bouquet.

然而,当今的新娘捧花的意义更为多了。大家都认为穿着婚纱的新娘手中怎么可以少了捧花呢?圆形、瀑布型、星月形... ...日益繁多的款式,配搭不同的花材如玫瑰、向日葵、绣球、百子莲等等... ...再加上多样化的精美小饰品,都能为新娘捧花起着不同的视觉效果。


Aegean Sea 爱琴海

This is a bold and innovative wedding theme creating an ordinary banquet hall into a ocean-based decoration.

Blue and white colours play an important role in the Aegean sea wedding theme. In an ordinary banquet hall, overlapping of blue and white colours bring out an imagination of a vast ocean and azure sky with a romantic effect. The wedding revels in a sweet ocean world.


Garden Wedding 花园婚礼

A wonderful garden wedding had been organized under the blue sky. The combinations of white and green colours fill the wedding garden with a pure & romantically feels.
青天绿野下记载着美妙的典型的草原婚礼,白色和绿色的配搭使开阔的场地有明显的 纯洁浪漫气息。

After a wedding planning project is confirmed, a team of staff lead by the planner will make the necessary preparations and commence work. Jobs will be assigned to each staff. These preparations include fresh flowers arrangements, bridal bouquet and groom corsage, welcome card, chairback decorations, background design and so on. A fresh and natural feels decorations were created to blend with the natural surrondings.

It is not compulsory to have a grand wedding. However, innovation is important. As people said, innovative is free of charge, use your heart to create a perfect wedding.


Wedding planner exploit many ideas over a period of time in planning an overall wedding idea to create that special and sweet wedding. We wish to share those special moments and happiness together with you through this post.